Grayboy Motorsports

Mr. Alfred R. "Tote" Gray is currently a Honda and Kawasaki dealer in Peoria Heights, Illinois. At one time or another he has sold most of the marquis that have been available. Race promotion, especially dirt track, made him well known in the racing world. You owe it to yourself to stop in and visit one of the icons of the motorcycle industry. I've known Tote for 23 years and never heard the same story twice. And he HAS some good ones! Thanks, Tote, for your support.

Illinois Valley BMW MOA Club #70

This is a quiet, unassuming group of great riders who just like to "go down the road", some faster than others, but a good time is had. A group with varied interests but have one thing in common -- they all love to ride BMW's and talk motorcycles. I am a charter member and truly appreciate their support, especially since I'm riding one of those "other" bikes in the IBR.

Illinois State Motorcycle Safety Program

Since becoming an instructor in 1980, I have been dedicated to helping people become safer riders. The Illinois State Motorcycle Safety Program makes it possible for me to do just that. If you're interested in becoming a safer rider, check out our program and sign up for a class. Many thanks to Vern Hanks, Erik Hanks, Diana Nelson, Karen Kelley and 80 or so of the best MSF Instructors/Coaches any where, for their interest & understanding (amazement) in my craziness.

Family, Friends and Mechanics

I appreciate the support and understanding my family and friends give me in pursuing my "passion". Motorcycling does not only consume the work week, often it gobbles up portions or the whole weekend. To the displeasure of my significant other, Sherry, most of my vacations are spent "motorcycling" in one form or the other, either working rallies for YAMAHA or riding the IBR/ LDRIDER events.

Special THANKS to the mechanics; Jim Ely, Riverview Motorsports and Mark Brozina, Yamaha Technical Support, for helping to make this ride, this year, possible.

EXTRA SPECIAL THANKS to Kim Knupp & JoAnn Schmidt of YAMAHA Motorsports. Without Kim's efforts, this most likely, would not be my 4th Iron Butt Rally on the same reliable brand. And last, but not least; my riding partner, barganing partner, sometimes the biggest pain in the seat, but a best, BEST FRIEND - Rick Williams. WE have traveled thousands of miles together and survived. Thanks, Rick & Vicky, for your friendship.